Saturday, August 23, 2008

Porte Palatine by night

As promised yesterday, here I show you how appear Porte Palatine by night (of course, if you have time, I recommend to enlarge it). I love the whole scene a lot. --- Let me wish you a very happy week end !

Come promesso ieri, vado qui a mostrare come appare la costruzione di notte. --- Buon fine settimana !!!
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  1. Fabrizio, this is so beautiful I just want to jump into the picture and take a stroll. Look at that stone path and those lovely lights!

  2. Mi piace com'è venuta l'area antistante le Porte Palatine

  3. I'm so sad. We were going to go to France via Torino...But we can't.
    I was so happy to see your city live.
    Well...maybe next time.
    Greetings from Wroclaw

  4. Bellissima foto, buon weekend to you!!

  5. And buon sabato e domeinca to you!

    What happened 1 929 years ago? What’s the difference between 79AD and 2008? Anything? Sydney Daily Photo

  6. A very beautiful photo, makes you feel as if you're very near the place.

  7. Che bella foto! Grazie Fabrizio, per il giro di Torino dei antichi romani.

  8. Fabrizio,
    This just draws the viewer right into the photograph. Lovely lighting as always. I love it a lot too!

  9. I'm sorry Karola&Pamp you couldn't pass through Torino. I really hope you may do it soon !

    Thank you very much indeed to everyone of you !

  10. Eh eh eh... did you leave the tripod in position for 12hours before shooting the second picture? :P

  11. This is a fantastic picture Fabrizio - really stunning night shot.

    I'm trying to email you (re our previous correspondence) but can't find your email address, and the CDP site isn't letting me in to pick up my private messages. So I will try again tomorrow!

  12. Jackie I sent to you an email right now on :-)

  13. Mi piacciono le tue immagini notturne della città, specialmente questa.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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