Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Piazza Vittorio - Farmacia 1

As promised yesterday, this photo shows how the pharmacy looks inside. When I asked to the pharmacist permission to take some photos, he replied: "All photo you need"(!!) and quickly went in the back-shop letting me free of the main room...
Of course, as usual, you'll get the best, enlarging the photo

Come promesso ieri, questa foto mostra la farmacia al suo interno. Quando chiesi permesso per effettuare qualche foto, il farmacista rispose: "Tutte le foto che desidera"(!!) e velocemente si ritirò nel retro...
Naturalmente e come di norma, si ottiene il meglio ingrandendo la foto
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  1. Now this was worth waiting for. It looks like the main desk of a very chic hotel ! The wood is so rich and lovely and all the embellishments over the doors is amazing. Not like any drug store here in the states. Oh how I wish I could visit your beautiful city.

  2. What a beautiful shop. I love the old jars and the statue in the corner. You've also got the pharmacist in the photo. All I've seen of Torino is the short walk from the bus to the railway station. Really wish I'd stayed and had a look around. Next time (one day I'll be able to afford to go back).

  3. e molto interessante a vedere le due foto della farmacia, e piu bella che farmacie in Scozia

  4. e a proposito di farmacie, (ma nn c'entra poi così tanto con la foto, sorry), in quella di via roma c'è un farmacista che mi ricorda tantissimo carlo verdone quando in "bianco, rosso e verdone" interpretava furio. la prossima volta che ci capito gli chiedo se mi dice forte un "magda, magdaaaaa!"...

  5. Hi from South Shields, nice picture you have here today.It's a lovely olde shoppe.

    I need your support, see my latest post at South Shields Daily Photo

    Photographers rights in the UK and worldwide are under increasing threat and we need to make a stand now!

    Unless something changes dramatically, this will be the last ever post at South Shields Daily Photo.

  6. All that tradition and graceful design encourages confidence in the pharmacy. Nice to see.

  7. This is a very nice pharmacy. It does look like those normal pharmacy that makes you feel even more unwell!

    Makes me wanna go in! LOL...

  8. What a beautiful pharmacy!

    All we have here are drugstores with no imagination whatsoever.

  9. What a beautiful shop. The work and detail is extraordinary. I adore the light fitting and that beautiful glass.

    How kind the shopkeeper allowed you to photograph. So often they won't. Great photo as always, Fabrizio.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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