Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Driving in via Po

This hoto has been taken from the car while was waiting at the traffic light. I am in via Po. Take a sec to enlarge the photo and to see that ceiling at first floor where there's the balcony...

Questa foto è stata scattata dall'auto mentro ero fermo al semaforo. Sono in via Po. Prendetevi un momento per ingrandire la foto e vedere il soffitto dell'appartament al primo piano (dove c'è il balcone)...
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  1. Fabrizio,
    I would love to hang out with you. When I was in Paris, I spent a lot of time trying to see in the apartments above. Thanks for letting us take a peek into this lovely building. Your photo is great, as always. Love the angle!

  2. Wow, what a great shot. And that ceiling... just fabulous.

    I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the great images.


  3. In the inner, intimate part of the city, where the buldings are quite old it's quite easy to find ceilings like that, usually they're protected from the governament, you need to RESTORE them and need a professional hand for the job...

  4. The angle really plays with the light to open up the building. Fabulous.

  5. Io adoro curiosare nelle finestre delle case e inventare le storie che ci vivono dentro. Bellissima foro anche questa, lascia aperto il seguito...

  6. @Virginia, I do it quite often and tomorrow I will post another photo where I "steal" a view inside.

    Thank you to everyone and Sì, Tracciadoppia, lo faccio spessissimo anch'io ;-)

  7. Lovely details. Now I know why we say to be careful when driving in Italy... ;)

  8. Fabrizio, you have such an amazing "eye".


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