Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Just few days to the first day of Summer (21st of June) and we still have cold and wet. By the way I am sure we'll have hot days like each year. In this photo at Giardini Cavour a mom with her kid.

Mancano pochi giorni al primo giorno d'Estate (21 Giugno) ed è ancora umido e freddo. Son in ogni caso sicuro che avremo giorni caldi come ogni anno. In questa foto ai Giardini Cavour una mamma col suo bimbo.
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  1. Bella la foto e belli quei giardini!

  2. Speriamo che sarà così! Avevamo bisogno di acqua ma con meno violenza ed insistenza! Bei giardini!

    Let's hope that it will be like you say. We needed water but not like this, with such violence and so persistant! Beautiful gardens!

  3. Just fabulous, Fabrizio.

    Apologies for lack of comments recently. I'm in America. But slowly, from today, hope to start commenting a little more regularly. Great to catch up just now with your lovely photos - as always.


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