Saturday, June 14, 2008

Al Valentino...

Valentino is the most popular and romantic park in Torino. Enlarge the pic and look at their hands... Happy weekend to everyone !

Il Valentino è il più conosciuto e romantico parco in Torino. Ingrandite l'immagine e guardate le loro mani... Buon Fine settimana a tutti !
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  1. Buon fine settimana Fabrzio. Sempre belle foto.

  2. Non c'è niente di meglio di una foto romantica per augurare buon fine settimana. Ciao ciao

  3. Oh bravo, Fabrizio. beautiful photograph absolutely capturing the moment. Love....ah....

  4. Molto carino! Buona domenica anche a te!

  5. Hi Fabrizio,

    She, the girl, already has her shoes untied. She must be ready to go somewhere else. I don't think they are thinking about fish and chips.

  6. You have an excellent eye for both the tender and the passionate in our world. Here, you seem to have caught the cusp between one feeling and the next.

  7. Thank you, thank you very much to everyone !

  8. Dillo che son i tuoi figli!eheh Scherzo, complimenti per la...fortuna , la prontezza di riflessi, il buon gusto ecc ecc ecc


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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