Sunday, June 29, 2008

40 C = 104 F

Yesterday was the hottest day of this Summer until now. 40 Celsius degree (= 104 Fahrenheit) shows that street thermometer. Fortunately humidity was 55% so we had just an hot and sunny Summer day.

Ieri è stato il giorno più caldo di questa Estate sino ad ora. 40 gradi Celsius indica quel termometro di strada. Per fortuna l'umidità era attestata al 55% sicché abbiamo avuto avuto solo un caldo e assolato giorno d'estate.
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  1. And I thought it was hot here. Good Luck!

  2. Wow. I had no idea that your summer temperatures would approach some of ours! Hopefully you were in the airconditioning somewhere Fabrizio.

  3. That is HOT! I'm glad I'm not visiting right now.


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