Monday, May 5, 2008

Visiting the Mole

These people are in line to go to Mole Antonelliana to visit the Museum of Cinema and / or to get the lift for going to the top. This queue of toursits wasn't really the longest in past days plenty as never of tourists in Torino.

Queste persone erano in coda per entrare alla Mole Antonelliana e visitare il Museo del Cinema e / o prendere l'ascensore per giungere alla sommità. Questa coda di turisti non era nemmeno la più lunga nei giorni scorsi davvero pieni di turisti come non mai in Torino.
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  1. It looks like it has great exhibitions - no wonder everyone wants to see it.

  2. That is a long line but looks worth the wait!

  3. That's a long queue. Like in Florence to get into the Uffizi.

  4. I'll have to google this to understand what you are referring to, but this is quite a queue!

  5. Got it... just noticed it was hyperlinked. I would also stand in that queue: it looks amazing.

  6. E' bellissimo vedere che i turisti hanno finalmente scoperto la bellezza immensa di Torino!

  7. Wow! Quando abbiamo visitato il Mole, non era una coda... E per un mostra speziale?


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