Monday, May 19, 2008

Night over Torino

Night over Torino...
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  1. Thought I'd spend a bit of time tonight visiting some blogger friends. I miss blogging, and I plan to return eventually. 'Til then come visit me via email now and then! (My address is on my profile). Kate

    Love the light in this photo, Fabrizio!

  2. Just captivating blue in this your photo, Fabrizio!

  3. ehehe una volta mi hai bacchettato sun un mio commento riguardo l' anche tu vedo ogni tanto cedi al suo fascino ;)

  4. Fabulous! Love the composition with the blue sky, the blue lights on the building and of course that little moon.

    Here were say when the moon is like this - and facing Italy - that is the time for planting.

  5. ciao!
    visto che questo blog parla di Torino vi consiglio il sito, una community on line creata da giovani per i giovani torinesi in collaborazione con La Stampa. per info ciao! Mara

  6. What a great shoot!!! Outstanding!!!

  7. si... le notti passate a torino...

  8. That's a perfect little croissant up there! Lovely.

  9. Le tue foto riescono a rendere bello persino "i dito".
    Bravo Fabrizio.

  10. Well... I'm late by the way *thank you* very much to everyone !!!

    Mi spiace, sono in ritardo ma grazie davvero a tutti.
    @Albi, eheh hai ragione. Devo dire che qui mi piaceva l'assonanza cromatica tra il neon dei balconi e il colore del cielo.
    @Maretta, ti invio un email
    @Vero e Massim., grazie !
    @Simo, ...suscitano emozioni perticolari, come ben si legge sul tuo blog.

  11. beautiful shot, just so lovely to see


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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