Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli

In this futuristic building (also designed by Renzo Piano) on the rooftop of Lingotto (opposite to La Bolla, see next days), there's the Pinacoteca Giovanni and Marella Agnelli (<--- Please click on the link). This is a gift that Giovanni Agnelli left to Torino, his city. All paints exposed inside in fact come from family personal collection. There are paints by Canaletto, Canova, Manet, Renoir, Tiepolo, Matisse, Picasso, Modigliani, Balla and Severini

This is another jewel unique in Italy that deserves just to travel to Torino...

In questa costruzione futuristica (anch'essa disegnata da Renzo Piano) sulla sommità del lingotto (dalla parte opposta rispetto a La Bolla, cfr. prossime foto), c'è la Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli. Questo è un dono che l'avv. Agnelli ha inteso lasciare a Torino, la sua città. Tutti i quadri della collezione permanente infatti provengono dalla collezione personale della famiglia Agnelli. Ci sono opere del Canaletto, del Canova, di Manet, di Renoir, del Tiepolo, di Matisse, di Picasso, di Modigliani, del Balla e del Severini

Questo è un altro gioiello unico in Italia che merita un viaggio a Torino...
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  1. It is a beautiful building. Sharp lines. Nice colors. I managed to post about my hospitalization adventures. Hope you get to read it.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  2. very cool shot at a great time of day!
    Love how far that roof cantilevers. Amazing!

  3. Great composition, Fabrizio - very futuristic.
    It looks like an amazing building!

  4. Wow, that's something else - wonderful. We have one Renzo Piano designed building in Sydney - it is probably the best new building we have.

    I wish I had time to come to Torino when we visit Italy this year, but as I hate rushing through places, will leave it for next time. (I want to see more of northern Italy. Each visit I add one "new" place; this time it is Lucca, because evn tho I went there briefly, my husband hasn't been there and we wanted to go together).

  5. C'è uno speciale "Lingotto" in corso su Torino Daily Photo? :)
    Pensa Fabrizio, le rampe elicoidali saranno l'header del mio nuovo blog. A testimonianza di quanto io possa reputarle affascinanti.

  6. @Sally, so you are saying me that you will come in Italy later this year and you don't think to come to Torino? Oh well, you're not anymore my friends, give me back my toys ;-) --- Seriously: I understand you. But please promise the next time you will come expressly here....!!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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