Saturday, April 12, 2008


Sunday and Monday (until 3 p.m.) there will be election in Italy...

Domenica e Lunedì ci saranno le elezioni in Italia...
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  1. LOL, he looks like a perfectly nice, normal guy :-)

  2. When I saw this on the portal, I thought, "Oh, my! This is so unlike Fabrizio's photos!" Now tell me, what's wrong with this guy?

  3. Not again! He's like the proverbial bad penny that keeps popping up. Love that shot of him, Fabrizio.

  4. ma sai che l'ho fotografato pure il bolso berlusca? temo...

  5. I'm not sure he will like your picture. He might run to get under the knive again. ;)
    Your post reminded me of something my brother showed me on YouTube, I am sure you know it:

  6. sarà il soggetto, sarà che la foto non l'hai fatta tu (o se l'hai fatta tu alla tv il soggetto, appunto, è penoso), sarà che mi sta veramente sui c*******; saranno un po' di cose, insomma, ma direi che quest'uomo suscita di tutto, fuorchè fiducia per un voto.

    tu come stai... tutto bene?

  7. I don't like him a lot!!! He is the most undemocratic man I've heard. But he's propably is going to win. :////

  8. @ Nikon
    @ Kate, he represents the Right Party but this should be the minor problem. He also owns three channels tv, a newspaper, an important publishing house and some minor interest in illegal affairs in this country. He works in politic overall to sustain his affairs and yesterday, he won elections... Really a sad day for this country.

  9. I do prefer the Lingotto !

    Venite tutti a Parigi, come G@tto & Carla e peggio per loro !


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