Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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Three kind of salt (red from Hawaii, smoked from Denmark and white from Camargue) to mix with tuna lightly cooked over salade Julienne and one lobster over orange. One of many exciting dishes by Ugo Fontanone of "La Taverna di Fra Fiusch"

Tre tipi di sale (rosso delle Hawaii, affumicato danese, bianco della Camargue) da unire a tonno scottato su Julienne di verdurine con un gambero su arancio. Uno dei molti particolari piatti di Ugo Fontanone de "La Taverna di Fra Fiusch"
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  1. I didn't know that salt came that way!
    The food looks good :-)

  2. Fabrizio, may be we can tell that usually Ugo, in his restaurant, prepares traditional food. This is a special dish inspired by one of the most known italian songs...

    James P. Sullivan

  3. Sure James and this come also out from his site. By the way I liked so much that dish and how he got inspired preparing it

  4. Looks delicious. Love all the different salts.

  5. Such a beautiful presentation. I love all those salts. Would want to try those for sure.

    Fabrizio, |I hope to come to Turin in either May or September and will be in touch to check you will be there! I'm not coming to Turin unless I can meet you!

  6. That's certainly new to me. Both the salt info and the food itself!

  7. Non mangio esseri che un tempo respiravano e nuotavano, o volavano, correvano nei prati... quindi faccio un apprezzamento solo per la Julienne di verdurine!


  8. *smile... i see food. thank you.


  9. I have tried sea salt and kosher salt, and they both taste so much better than the regular iodized kitchen salt.

    The dish looks delicious.

  10. We've left iodized salt behind at my house and now use sea salt instead. Also have some Alder (the tree) smoked sea salt I use to rub on salmon before barbecuing which gives a lovely flavor. This sounds like it might be similar to your Danish smoked salt.

    Buon appetite!


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