Wednesday, February 27, 2008

CioccolaTO' 2

This, at sunset, the skyline of the square (Piazza Vittorio): lot of people are passing and Tasting ;-)

Questa, al tramonto, la vista sulla Piazza Vittorio: molta gente che passeggia e Assaggia :-)
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  1. This looks like a very successful event. I like the twilight shot and the light. Perhaps its at night but the sky makes it look like shortly after dusk...a great time of the day.

  2. I agree with kate and also think that you stood in just the right spot to get a fabulous perspective!

  3. Hi Fabrizio. Thank you for your comment. The woman's handwriting said "She feels she won't last long." She was referring to her daughter who has perhaps lost the will to live.

  4. che bella cosa CioccolaTò! :-)
    L'anno scorso, ricordo, sono passato anch'io dalle parti di piazza vittorio durante l'evento. Purtroppo troppo di corsa. Come mio solito quando torno a Torino.


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