Monday, February 18, 2008

At the end...

At the end of via Po's Porticos, further piazza Vittorio, at the other side of the Po's river: the Church of Gran Madre di Dio we're looking here exactly into arch design.

Alla fine dei portici di via Po, oltre piazza Vittorio, dall'altra parte del fiume Po: la Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio che vediamo qui esattamente dentro all'arco
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  1. So many colorful lights and layers to this shot. The colored lights gives the arche a "3D" look.

  2. Nice shot. I like these arches.

  3. Another nice photo of you Fab. Too bad, I no longer post new photos, because of my job. A lot of travel, recently. I envy you, you keep posting an doing a wonderful job...

  4. guess who, shariboy? back from hospital, survived another close call. how many more? who knows. i need to talk to you.

    the girl you hate to love

  5. Shari, I was online 8min after your message but you weren't there...

  6. Appena arrivai a Torino feci una furbata unica. Avevo fame, molta fame. Andai a comprare del prosciutto in quel di Via Po,ignorando la "fama"tale via e scambiandola per una comunissima parte di Torino. Non ti dico quanto pagai il prosciutto.
    Io in genere non mangio il grasso (sono un po' viziato)... ma in quell'occasione divorai tutto per principio. :) Ciao Fabrizio

  7. sorry fab, i must have missed you twice then (again just now on gmail). i didn't think you'd be that fast last night. thanks for the messages. let me know when i can catch you on - if you want. i'll be home. :[ shari


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