Thursday, January 3, 2008

Torino DP - 1 year !!!!!!

Today is the first anniversary of this photo blog. Torino Daily Photo Blog it is born, in fact, exactly one year ago. I am not sure to be able to continue to post one photo per day. It's hard to keep daily high quality. By the way I will try and I beg your perdon since now if I'll miss some day. --- But today let me also say that Daily City Photo Blog it's much more than a bloggers' Community. Thanks to Eric Tenin the world, not only on the net, it's a bit more small and friends a lot increased.

Oggi ricorre il primo anniversario di questo photo blog. Torino Daily Photo Blog è nato, infatti, esattamente un anno fa. Non sono sicuro di riuscire nel continuare a pubblicare una foto al giorno. E' impegnativo mantenere giornalmente un livello qualitativo elevato. Tuttavia mi impegnerò scusandomi sin d'ora qualora dovessi mancare qualche giorno. --- In quest'occasione mi piace anche sottolineare come Daily City Photo Blog sia ben di più di una Comunità di bloggers. Grazie a Eric Tenin il mondo, non solo attraverso internet, è un poco più piccolo e gli amici assai di più.
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  1. Congratulations on 1 year Fabrizio! I always enjoy your beautifu photos of your lovely city.

  2. Looking forward to the next, I've always enjoyed your photos. Congrats on a milestone in this community.

  3. Happy Birthday, Fabrizio to TDP.
    The best night photography showcase on the web!!
    I look forward to more shots of the architecture & street scenes of your great city & it's always a pleasure to visit!

  4. Well done on making the full year - it can be hard to keep it going every day but you are quite right we are all friends here.

  5. Wonderful photo.
    Happy 1st anniversary for Torino DP!

  6. buon anniversario e complimenti per il tuo blg!

  7. auguri a voi! in effetti mi chiedo come abbia fatto a non mancare neanche un giorno!!! mitico fabrizio!

  8. Congratulations! That's a lot of photos. Looking forward to seeing the future ones, even if there aren't quite one-a-day :-)

  9. Congratulations!
    My blog about Poland recently celebrate jubilee (one year) too....
    Year in internet... a lot of time.... :)
    (sorry for my english, you know, translators...)

  10. Congratulations on one year, Fabrizio! Another outstanding photograph. I've previously wondered how you have been keeping up the pace of posting such high quality photographs on a daily basis.

  11. Bravo Fabrizio and congratulations on your on year anniversario

    Thank you for being part of this community and - I promise - we won't be mad if you miss one day!!

  12. Congrtulations Fabrizio.
    Thank's for all your photos and we hope to see more so great photos.

  13. Well what to say... Thank you very much indeed to each of you. Grazie davvero a tutti !

  14. Happy, happy, happy Anniversar! You are both talented and kind. I guess I'll have to throw in creative, too.

  15. Congrats, Fabrizio! Long life to your blog. I am enjoying discovering your lovely city. I even believe I know it a little bit now. ;)

  16. congratulations!!! i really admire your photos

  17. Fabrizio, I'm so sorry I missed your great day yesterday. One year is a fantastic achievement. I'm just over a month behind you and yes, we are far more than a bloggers' community. Like you, I so value friendships made during this time.

    The quality of your photographs is always superb and through them, your beautiful city really comes alive. Personally I had no idea of the beauty of Turin before torino DP.

    Congratulations, Febrizio!

  18. Congratulations on your anniversary and your beautiful photos. You do a really good job on showing your city.

  19. A little something for your anniversary here.

    Congratulations and I look forward to another year of wonderful photos.

  20. Congratulations and thank you for sharing lots of high quality photos!! It is quite amazing to post such quality photos daily!! I look forward to seeing more photos. have a nice weekend

  21. Congratulations Fabrizio! You did a fantastic job in showing us Torino.

    And yes, you are right - you have a friend in Naples, FL ;-)

  22. Wow! Congratulations on 1 year . . . that's quite an accomplishment. Your pictures of Torino are fantastic. Thank you and I will look forward to seeing many more.

  23. Congratulations my friend. Cheers from Istanbul...

  24. Ciao Fabrizio, ancora auguri di buon anno e... doppi vista la concomitanza con il compleanno di questo tuo spazio a dir poco eccelso. Mi complimento con te, con la tua passione per le foto e per la tua serietà nel tenere il piedi il tutto con costanza e sobrietà. Auguri, via così, Luca

  25. 축하해요, 파브리지오 (Congratulations, Fabrizio)! I'm happy to know you and Torino through your daily blog.^o^

  26. Fabrizio, I'm sorry I missed this post--belated congratulations for your 100th post, and thank you for posting beautiful and thoughtful pictures of your city--it is always a pleasure to visit

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Felicitazione con il anniversario!



Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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