Saturday, January 5, 2008

Luci d'Artista 12- Il Volo dei Numeri

Mario Merz - Flight of Numbers
It's on a side of Mole Antonelliana and it represents the Fibonacci Numbers.

Mario Merz - Il Volo dei Numeri
E' su un lato della Mole Antonelliana e rappresenta la Successione o serie di Fibonacci
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  1. Hi Fabrizio - I wish you a Happy New Year, and thanks for the visits, as well as for your own excellent photographs of Torino. I haven't commented much lately, New Year resolution!
    The Fibonacci sequence is interesting - co-incidentally I just listened to a radio program about it on the BBC

  2. Beautiful photo of The Mole.
    It's quite a landmark!

  3. Happy New Year.
    Regards from Thessaloniki.

  4. very interesting capture. Happy new year

  5. I like how the numbers contrast with the structure and tone of the roof, emphasizing its curve.

  6. Ne sono certo: c'รจ qualcosa di magico nel "volo dei numeri" di Merz.
    Lo penso da quando ho visto "Dopo Mezzanotte" di Davide Ferrario. Un film meraviglioso...


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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