Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Palazzina di caccia di Stupinigi

This is the first of some photos I would like to show to you from time to time, about this wonderful building originally designed by Filippo Juvarra. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list and better than my description is what you can read (in English) on Wikipedia HERE. To stop there and to watch such a perfect design consonance: by day or by the night, in Winter (like now) or in Summer, with a trip to Reggia della Venaria Reale (I will show soon) too, are two more good reasons to come to visit Torino.

Questa è la prima di una serie di fotografie andrò a pubblicare di volta in volta, a proposito di questa meraviglia originariamente projettata da Filippo Juvarra. Essa è parte della lista dei beni proclamati Patrimonio dell'umanita da parte dell'UNESCO ma meglio della mia descrizione è quanto si trova QUI in Wikipedia. Fermarsi ad ammirare una così perfetta armonia: di giorno o di notte, in Inverno (come ora) o in Estate, in uno con una visita alla Reggia della Venaria Reale (che mostrerò presto), sono altre due buone ragioni per una visita a Torino.
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  1. Stunning, absolutely stunning! I look forward to seeing more.

  2. I love the perspective of this low angled shot with bits of lying snow.

  3. Ciao Fabrizio, sono Luca.Come va? Spero tutto bene.Meravigliosa Stupinigi.Peccato che nel mio soggiorno piemontese non abbia fatto in tempo ad ammirarla.Un abbraccio a presto, Luca

  4. It is a great shot - & I like the angle you used. Nice wintry shot, grey & snowy.

  5. That's beautiful, and yes the low-angled shot works really well. I hadn't realised you'd had snow in Italy already.

    Glasgow Daily Photo

  6. Thank you to everyone about your appreciated comments and yes, yesterday, snowed a bit. The first snow I hope it will continue :-)

  7. Amazing architecture and photo. From this view, it looked like Versailles Palace.

  8. I like both photo and the building very much! I also like the perspective!

  9. Beautifully designed in its symmetry of the side wings, balanced well against the center of the building, immense in this winter view.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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