Monday, November 12, 2007

Ponte Isabella

The river (Po) and the hill run together along the city. Torino in fact developed mostly along the river. Ponte Isabella is one of bridges that link the city to the hill.

Il fiume (Po) e la collina corrono paralleli lungo la città. Torino infatti si è sviluppata soprattutto lungo il fiume. Il Ponte Isabella è uno dei ponti the collegano la città alla collina.
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  1. I'm surprised to see a photo taken by day, but it's a lovely photo. As picturesque as your outstanding night pictures.

  2. The contours of the city are delightful and the river Po adds so much beauty to the scene.

  3. I love the Ponte Isabella in the background and the red roofs in the foreground. Beautiful photo of the city.

    Sorry I haven't been visiting Torino DP. I've been working a lot lately so I only have time to post a photo and then go to sleep.

  4. your day photos are just outstanding, as well as the ones taken at night. .

    nice shot ;) very nice.

  5. Something same as in Joensuu - the river and the hill and they makes a lot to the whole atmosphere of our towns, I think.

    Eyes just are resting by looking at your picture.
    Have a good beginning week!

    ( I send to yoy an email to your gmail account, did you see it ? )

  6. Enchanting is the word that came to my mind the instant I saw your photo.

  7. Beautiful shot, it looks like you still have some warm weather there.
    The Po and the bridge almost look like the Arno in this shot :)

  8. @ Kate, Jorge, Jules, Nikon: again, you make me blush :-)

    @ Annie, Calusarus: thank you very much indeed !

    @ Ming: i really understand you 'cause your problem is the mine (it's 2:53am now and tomorrow I have to get up at 6:00)... So, please, we're in same boat :-)

    @Leena: I got your email, thank you, you flatter me. Tomorrow I'll reply to you :-)

  9. Fabrizio, would you reckon me any books for photography that shall I read for a virgin like me ?

  10. Spectacular view of the river - so much greenery!

    And Ponte Isabella is beautiful, as expected ;-)

  11. Ah ISabella I was waiting for you... And the bridge.

    Beauties always walk together :-)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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