Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stazione partenza Cremagliera

• Eliane • thought that beside the trolley showed yesterday, there was the station too. It was the platform. This one is the leaving Station (in Torino). It's called Sassi (stones) :-)

• Eliane • ha ritenuto, ieri, che quella accanto al tram fosse la stazione. Quella era la banchina. Questa è la Stazione di partenza (a Torino). Si chiama Sassi :-)
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  1. It's interesting that only one lamp is lighted. I wonder when, at what hour, this photo was taken? The illumination from the lamp helps define the photo quite well. Seems like the station perhaps is deserted?

  2. I think perhaps Kate is right - the station is closed?
    At least it's another night shot, though :)
    I remember most "regular" train stations in the small towns seemed to all be of the same design.

  3. Nice photograph. I never even noticed the lights.

  4. Hi Fabrizio. So sorry for this silece, but were cutt off the net. But we came back today.
    So we hope you'll still visit us.
    BTW. That's nice you missed us ;))

  5. @ Kate, you're in right. When I took the photo in fact station and Service were suspended due winter time in working days. Honestly I preferred there was only one lamp working :-)

    @ Nikon, yes you're in right this station looks like those little station in small town.

    @ Abraham, Thank you very much about your appreciation

    @ Karola&pamp, grreeaat !!!! I'm really happy you're back :-)))


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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