Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Old tramway

I took this photo the day they started Olympic Games. It was the 10th of February 2006. And I dedicate it to Richard that he loves old tramway :-)

Presi questa fotografia il giorno che i Giochi Olimpici vennero inaugurati. Era lo scorso 10th February 2006 e lo dedico a chi mi è vicino.
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  1. Is it still in use? I would love to ride it though Torino.

  2. Great photo, Fabrizio. It reminds me of the trolleys I saw in Milan.
    They were orange there.

  3. great photos, wonderful blog. Well done

  4. Non è facile restare insensibili di fronte al fascino di vecchio tram... Ciao.

  5. We like old trams as well. We've got some in Wroclaw and few of them are even in service. I should have got somewhere a Wroclaw's old tram. I try to find it and post it.
    Regards from Wroclaw ;))

  6. Thanks Fabrizio - you're right, I'm a big fan. This looks in good working order. Is it brought out for special occasions like some of the Zurich ones, or does it run regularly?

  7. Jiim and Richard, no it doesn't run actually anymore. That old one was just puul out thee day of Opening XX Olympic Winter Games because that day it was a really special day for Torino.

  8. In Edimburgo, adesso non sono tram, ma arrivano tram nuovi in 2012....

    I tram vecchi sono piu belli.


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