Friday, September 7, 2007

Thank you Pavarotti

Grazie Luciano

His last public singing performance was at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics Games in Torino in February 2006.

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  1. I heard him sing in Minneapolis in 1987, and I still recall the performance. He gave numerous encores. Quite a career!!

  2. He's in a better place now. And, yes, grazie Luciano!

  3. He will be missed; but he will live on in the great music he made.

  4. Certe morti sono particolarmente brutte - non sapevo che fosse malato.

  5. I was listening to him on You-Tube last night. His first opera in the USA was in Miami. My wife and I were there. At that point he was not known to our country. We were spellbound and we knew that we had heard a mega star.

  6. A local radio station played his music all morning - I never heard his voice sound so rich & deep.

  7. Yes, the big man has gone. One of the truly great voices I think, and it was a pleasure to have heard him in my lifetime. I think the current crop of male "opera singers" are pale shadows, more interested in what they look like than what they sound like. Sure he did indulge in some strange partnerships, but that doesn't change anything.

  8. Yes, a big loss for all of us.God bless him....

  9. A sad time. He will be missed.

  10. Oh, I did not know yet!
    Very big,sad loss!
    A beautiful tribute this picture of your post. thank you!

  11. He has one of the most beautiful voices in the world.

  12. Addio big Luciano :-(

    p.s. ciao Fabrizio, un caro saluto!

  13. His voice could make the angels weep and I guess he is up there now singing for them.

    Their gain - our massive loss.

  14. Grazie, Fabrizio, for giving me this opportunity to think of Pavarotti and his gift of music to the world, one more time.

  15. I really didn't know he'd been in a terrible situation. He definitely was one of amazing voices of our age.

  16. My hero has gone... :(


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