Friday, September 14, 2007

Beauty and the Beast

It's funny to see a FIAT 500L and BMW 530 xi parked one beside the other. Two years before Fiat introduced 500 (at your left), in 1955, BMW, introduced Isetta (based on italian design) that was 249cc half of 500cc... :-)

E' buffo vedere una FIAT 500L e una BMW 530 xi parcheggaite una accanto all'altra. Due anni prima che Fiat presentasse la 500 (alla vostra sinistra), e cioè nel 1955, BMW, presentò Isetta (su disegno iatliano) di soli 249cc la metà di 500cc... :-)
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  1. Rather David and Goliat.

    Cemetery of italian soldier is on today warszavka ( Beautiful Black & White.

  2. Perfect title!!! I love those little Fiats. They are so emblematic of Italy. And the Vespas, and the gelato, and ..., and so many wonderful things.

  3. I'm not fussy; I'll take either one. In fact, I think that I'd prefer buzzing around in the Fiat!

  4. .. e come si fa a non provare nostalgia!
    Stammi bene.

  5. Bellissima! E la 500 mi ricorda Luigi di Cars...

  6. I like the Fiat, like one I drove in when I was near the Lakes.
    Even a VW Golf seemed like a big car next to it!

  7. Isn't it great fun to have a camera and catch photos like this one, ones that make you think and enjoy life? Thank you for sharing.

  8. Ah, but which one is the beauty and which is the beast?

    In this crowded city, the Fiat would be far more popular.


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