Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Museo Egizio

This is the building that host Egyptian Museum in Torino. As most of you know this is the most important in the world after Cairo (Egypt). Each year it is visited by over 500,000 people that come from all over the world. On the link above (in English) you can find almost everything you need to know about it. In future I will post some photo taken inside --- Today in Italy is off work 'cause assumption feast. It's also considered a mid-Summer feast (Ferragosto) and all museums are open all the day. At Egyptian Museum, special fee: just 1 Euro to way in :-)

Questo è il Palazzo che ospita il Museo Egizio a Torino. Come molti di voi sanno questo è il più importante nel mondo dopo quello de Il Cairo (Egitto). Ogni anno è visitato da oltre 500.000 persone che provengono da tutto il mondo. Al collegamento di cui sopra (in Italiano) è possibile trovare ogni informazione che potrebbe occorrervi al riguardo. In futuro inserirò qualche fotografia degli interni. --- Oggi in Italia è giorno festivo (festa dell'Assunzione) ma è altresì considerato festa di mezza estate (Ferragosto) e tutti i musei sono aperti. Il Museo Egizio applica una tariffa speciale: appena 1 Euro per l'ingresso :-)
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  1. I think that would be a very interesting museum to visit.

  2. Alright, another place to visit in Torino.

  3. Wow! What a good deal!?!?!

    My friends love the Egyptian collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum of Art in NYC.

    Personally, I prefer MoMA.

  4. Oh, I had forgotten about the 15th of August and its importance. Is it truly honoured as a religious feastday or has it evolved into just another free day at work, as often happens. I need to read your link now about the museum. I'm also interested in the three flags; what do each represent, one of which is your country's flag, but the others??

  5. Really amazing stonework on that building - beautiful.

  6. I didn't know about that museum. To tell the truth I have never been to Italy. I dream of visiting your country!

  7. It's cheap and definitely a must-visit! Nice shot!

  8. @ Rambling, Sunkyoung, Ming, Marie: yes I can sure it deserve to be visited. During Olympic Games people were used to wait 'til a couple of hours to way in and none came out disappointed.

    @Kate, the two flags represents: at left of Italian Flag, the European flag (twelve yellow stars on cyan background), at right of Italian Flag, City of Torino's flag (four bulls) Taurinorum in latin means "of taurini". Taurus, in latin, is Toro in Italian and Bull in english--

    @nikon, I'm sorry but I forgot to say that they started to build the palace in 1679 and it was the seat of the Jesuit college for young nobles. It is another wonderful piece of Barocco Piemontese and for sure I'll publish more photos about it

    @Emily, it was cheap *only* yesterday 15th of August. Ordinary fare is 6.50 Euro (about 7$)

  9. More interesting and surprising info from Torino (for me anyway). I always thought the French and the English had looted most of the Egyptian stuff.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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