Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Via Po Perspective

This frame has been taken from same yesterday photo and shows via Po perspective. Of course, being the street so far, arcades, here, seem to be very narrow but they aren't at all (see HERE). Could be interesting to notice how houses are scaled state to be via Po in descent.

Questa porzione di fotografia è stata tratta dalla stessa foto di ieri e mostra la prospettiva di via Po. Naturalmente, essendo la via così lontana, le arcate, qui, sembrano essere molto strette ma non lo sono affatto (v. QUI). Potrebbe essere interessante osservare come le case siano scalate stante l'essere via Po in discesa.
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  1. Love the lighting, Fab! A grand sight indeed!

  2. Thanks for the explanation yesterday. These lights are brilliant!

  3. Amazing shot, Fabrizio - the lights have a wonderful color to them.

  4. Hello again. Thank's for your visit in my blog.
    I've just finished watch your photos I didn't see and...well great, wonderfull, amazing, outstanding...Just so lovely.
    Next year we'd like to go on holiday to Italy, so we must go via Torino.
    See you.

  5. Always, when I visit your blog, I want to come and see all those streets and buildings and inside them in person.
    I have been twice in Rome,I have seen also a region of Garda, Verona , Venice and a little part of Florence, but never Torin, perhaps some day :)
    At least I want.

  6. Two really good pictures Fabrizio, I guess the secret is in having the perfect white balance for the street lighting.

    South Shields Daily Photo

  7. Curly you centered the point. I take my photo in RAW format and I work a lot on white balance.

    Thank you To everyone and Leena, please, come on, we're not so far !


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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