Thursday, July 26, 2007

Skyline 1

Another skyline of the city taken from hill. Hill of Torino it isn't regular and... One. I mean: watching hill from the city you got impression to see one hill but it isn't. It's a perspective effect because, along it axis, it is often composed by two or three small hill. In this photo in fact you can see some houses in a sort of bight of it but view from the city, these houses, seem to be set into the main hill.

Un altro skyline della città ripreso dalla collina. La collina di Torino non è regolare e... Una. Mi spiego: guardando la collina dalla città si ha l'impressione essa sia una ma non è così. E' un effetto di prospettiva poiché lungo il suo asse essa è spesso composta da due o tre piccole colline. In questa fotografia infatti si possono vedere alcune case in una sorta di ansa mentre viste dalla città, queste case, appaiono incastonate nell'unica collina
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  1. Beautiful shot, you shot the sky at just the right time.
    Love that blue.

  2. I agree with "Nikon"...the blue in that Torino sky is dazzling. The close-up of the houses with porches, surpringly, remind me of similar houses in the USA. Another "Fab-rizio-ulous" photo! ;o)

  3. oops! "surprisingly" not "surpingly"...ciao!

  4. This is so dramatic and beautiful. What a lovely time of evening, the sky and lights just draw you in.

  5. I didn't know you have been to Beijing! I just posted a photo of the Temple of Heaven (Blue Temple).

    You should post your Beijing photos so everyone can see them too.

  6. Very nice! What a beautiful view and skyline! :)

  7. Thank you for such a beautiful photo. Makes me love Italy more than I already do.

    Norwich Daily Photo

  8. Thank you to everyone about your so nice and appreciated comments !


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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