Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Reverse Panorama - Night

No more to add on what said yesterday. It's possible to see well: Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Gran made's church and Santa Maria del Monte church, on the top of Cappuccini's hill.

Non c'รจ molto da aggiungere rispetto a quanto detto ieri. E' possibile vedere bene Piazza Vittorio Veneto, la Gran Madre e la chiesa di Santa Maria del Monte sul Monte dei Cappuccini.
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  1. Night shot is excellent - its taken from pretty high altitude

  2. Great night shot - I like the churchs especially.

  3. Wow! Just stunning night photo, Fabrizio! Well done!

  4. Hi Fabrizio! I echo the others...excellent and stunning photo! Ciao!

  5. Both are nice photographs, but of course there is more detail in the day picture. Which Ilike very much.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  6. Incredible shot Fabrizio! I love the night shot - the city looks very elegant.

  7. It's odd how many of us appreciate a night time picture Fabrizio. One of these days I'll try a few myself.

    South Shields Daily Photo

  8. The photos you create at night are among the finest within the DP world. Another superb example with this shot!


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