Monday, July 2, 2007

Old Ceilings

In this very old building there's the AB+ restaurant of a Cluster project. This building isn't far from Porta Palatina: the entrance built by Romans to Torino. --- The wind of history that is blowing by-

In questa davvero antica costruzione c'è il risorante AB+ del progetto Cluster. Questa costruzione non è lontata dalla Porta Palatina: l'ingresso costruito dai Romani a Torino. --- Il vento della storia che soffia accanto.
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  1. I love the old windows. A friend and I were looking at old buildings recently and a lot of them have switched to newer, better insulating windows but they are not as beautiful.

  2. This is a wonderful way to display the ceiling tiles. Any chance that we can see them close-up? Have a good week!!

  3. Lovely ceiling. Unfortunately today they are more and more rarely. But even here you can meet them not only in public places, but if you are a little but curious and nosy to put your nose to somebodys home you can find very attractive ceilings.
    Not so beauty like here, but.. ;))

  4. I would never have guessed the ceiling tiles would be visible. The glass in the windows must be of good quality to show thru so plain.

    Nice photograph.

    Abraham Lincoln
    American Gold Finch—

  5. Nice photograph....have a nice week Fab....

  6. Oh yes, I love seeing those ceilings in the old buildings in the old towns here! Especially at night, though I often don't have my tripod so I can't photograph them.

  7. An interesting angle for shooting the picture! You always shoot with your tripod at night?

  8. Great shot of the building - very interesting angle & the ceiling is very nice.

  9. I love this shot - we have a sneak peek of the beautiful old ceiling.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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