Saturday, July 14, 2007


This is typical lamppost in Torino and street lamps are in each arch. They all play with light and shadow.

Questo è un tipico lampione di Torino mentre si intravvedono altrettanti lampioni in ognuno degli archi sullo sfondo.
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  1. Lights on the balconies, light in the street. What a vision of loveliness this is.

  2. beautiful pic, lights of those lamps are magic!

    have a nice weekend ^^

  3. Amazing - it is like an optical illusion.

  4. I like this kind of lamp. We have here quite nice as well but not so many.
    It would be great photo if on the street close to the building was some huge puddle, and you could take the building and reflect of it.
    I did a shot like this in Krakow one day. Just lovely. ;))

  5. Beautiful lamps. Love the proportions of windows, balconies, arches too.

  6. It's really nice to see the pattern, the shadows and the light... I like this in black and white! It adds a sense of something mystical.

  7. It is a nice setting to display the lamp posts light in. Nice shot. Lots to consider.

    Abraham Lincoln

  8. Well done, F. I also loved the cafe photo of 3 days ago. Greetings.

  9. The light and shade in black and white makes for a very elegant photo, Fabrizio.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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