Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Down from Mole Antonelliana

This is an unusual view down from Mole Antonelliana. Follow the link to see many angle of view from where I took the symbol of Torino.

Questa è un'insolita vista giù dalla Mole Antonelliana. Seguite il collegamento per vedere le molte angolazioni dalle quali ho ritratto il simbolo di Torino.
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  1. Is the link broken. It took me back to the same picture. Great picture though.

    --steve buser

    New Orleans Daily Photo

  2. So this is what Spiderman must feel like! Wow! What a unique perspective.

  3. A different view on a great building. Nice job

  4. Unique shot - that one took some guts to take, I think :)

  5. Dall'angolazione si direbbe che tu fossi su un'aerostato o legatoa ad una fune (si vede qualche avanzo)... cose che escludo, naturalmente. Resta il fatto di una prospettiva, come dire..vertiginosa!

  6. Nice photos. I like your work Fabrizio.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  7. Amazing view from the top of the building. It must be scary to stand at such a height risking your life taking photos, I suppose? :p

    I love your photos. :) Been not visiting DP for quite a while and now I'm back again, with a bunch of beautiful photographs of Torino waiting for me to browse through. :D

  8. Fabrizio, you are a brave man! I'll come back later to see if you've fixed the link.

  9. O a cllegue phoned me that some of you declare a link broken... Ah, Steve Buser opened my eys. Not. it isn't a broken link. If you click on Mole Antonelliana" you will get a search on this blog with "Antonelliana" as a key. In few words you will obtain same post, of course, but if you scoll down *all* post and all photo ai Publushed about MOle Antonelliana.

    I hope this helps !

  10. sorry sorry about this so bad spelling but i'm terribly hurry

  11. Great pic ... feels as if I'm standing right there looking down. aie!

  12. Quando ho visitato Torino, non ho potuto salire nel ascensore nella Mole - ho vertigine. Ma e interessante a vedere questo foto!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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