Monday, July 16, 2007

Caffè San Carlo 1

This is the small, wonderful "Chinese Cabinet" beside the wide room seen yesterday of Caffè San Carlo...

Questo è il piccolo, stupendo "Gabinetto Cinese" accanto alla sala grande vista ieri del Caffè San Carlo...
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  1. I'm just not sure I'd be able to eat in a place like this, it's just so stunningly beautiful. But, given the chance, I'd give it a try.

  2. I didn't see yesterday's photo, and when I looked at this on the portal, I thought it was a church of some kind. Very elegant!

  3. Very ornate, and impressive architecture.

  4. Wonderful, indeed. Can't wait to see the rest of the photos.

  5. Your photo is extremely well balanced! I think this would be an enjoyable place to dine and visit with friends.

  6. Caffe? How elegant, it could be a palace!

  7. Beautiful room to eat in Fabrizio, although I fear you would need to be very well mannered!

    South Shields Daily Photo

  8. Those red alcoves really hit you in the eye. Did you manage to get this photo while the room was closed?


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