Thursday, July 12, 2007

Caffé Reale 1

I posted HERE the first image taken at Caffé Reale inside to Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace) in Torino. This second one has been taken in another space of same cafe. Remarkable is that first floor upside with another circle of windows.

Ho inserito QUI la prima foto scatata al Caffé Reale all'interno del Palazzo Reale in Torino. Questa seconda fotografia è stata scattata in un'altra sala dello stesso Caffé. Da osservare il primo piano con un altro giro di vetrine.
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  1. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. It is a lovely space, with all those windows containing artifacts and light.

  2. Quite elegant for a cafe. Those aren't typical walls. Clever!

  3. Very interesting place - I'd hate to see the bill :)

  4. Nikon, your comment remind me that this issue on about it could be expensive came out last time too. It's better to be clear: it isn't more expensive than other beautiful Cafe in Torino. Just to make and exaample: sit a the table an espresso coffee and or a cappuccino may cost 2 or 3 Euro; an aperitif (with appetizer) 5 Euro... So, you see, it's affordable. ---

    In short I'll publish photos taken in other historicals cafe in Torino, in the meantime thank you to you all about your comments so very appreciated.

  5. What to say... I can only say the same like last time. Impressive.

  6. I think it's ok to pay a little extra - after all you get more than just the coffee. (price of everything, value of nothing syndrome). Take also places like Caffe Florian in Venice. Tourist trap or unique experience? I like it.

  7. Nice photography. I would like to eat there myself.

    My wife, Patty, and I have been married for 52 years today. Imagine that.
    52 married years

  8. This looks like a wonderful place to enjoy an afternoon! Nice shot!

  9. Fabrizio, yes, the prices are lower than I thought hey would be.

  10. What a brilliant decoration of walls!


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