Saturday, July 7, 2007

500 Happening

Two days ago: 800 Fiat 500 (the old one) were in Piazza Vittorio Veneto and with them thousands of tourists ready to say "Hello" to the new bambina.

Due giorni fa: 800 Fiat 500 in Piazza Vittorio e con esse migliaia di turisti pronti a dire "Ciao" alla nuova "bambina".
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  1. Very interesting.We rarely see them here in Ampang.My grandfather has one.Used to belong to my great-grand father.

  2. The nuova bambina is very cute, but not as cute as the beloved old 500. Well, maybe in another 40 years she'll look just as cute.

  3. Amazing little car - I have fond memories of one.

  4. How many people will fit in one of these? Cute cars.

  5. Great happening. It'has to be very nice watch so many the same cars in the same place. :))
    Are this old cars still on your roads?

  6. A proud day for a legend. Nice to think that it will continue.

  7. So many "bambinas"...ah, this is glorious. What a great place you live. Bellissimo!

  8. Great meeting, Fabrizio! Love to know Piazza Vittorio Veneto. It's a beautiful place!

    Thanks so much for your visiting on my blog and nice words about my family oldie photos! I will post more oldies photos and I am glad you ask for them!

    Have a nice weekend!

  9. I don't know if I've ever seen a Fiat 500 before. Surely, someone must have one here in San Diego. Reminds me of the new and old VW beetle which we see a lot of here.

  10. I like this photograph and your story behind it.

    My daughter, Melinda, has a picture she took on my blog. It is a stunning macro.
    Brookville Daily Photo

  11. Now I know more about the Fiat 500, both old and new. I, too, don't know if I've ever seen one here in the US; doubt it since we have such a love affair with big cars. Bah!!

  12. I like this - it's a fun photo to watch! :)


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