Sunday, June 24, 2007

Torino from Cavoretto

This is how Torino looks like in a windy sunset from Parco Europa (Europe Park) in Cavoretto on the hill that run along the East side of the city. --- A very nice and resting week-end to everybody !!!

Questa è Torino come appare in un ventoso tramonto dal Parco Europa in Cavoretto sulla collina che corre lungo il lato Est della città. --- Buon fine settimana a tutti !!!
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  1. What a nice panorama!
    And what is that brilliant dot in the sky - the North Star or the Space Shuttle? ;-)

  2. Fabrizio - this is very evocative. The spotlit bright green in the foreground make a nice counterpoint to the deep sunset blue. The long clouds low on the sky remind me of African plane trees.

    Today, 24 July, in my 100th post.


    St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

  3. I love the colors and contrasts here. You do very beautiful photography.

  4. Beautiful shot, Fabrizio - beautiful blues.

  5. Very nice nighttime photo. I believe you've also captured the planet Venus in your sky view. At least it looks about the right distance from the horizon.

  6. Hi Fabrizio, thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. I love this photo! It really captures a mood. Those dark clouds are gorgeous!

  7. THIS is soooo beautiful!! what an incredible colours!

  8. Thank you to everybody about so appreciated comments and YES that's Venus .-)

  9. I love that blue. And the intense green too. It all makes a wonderful idyllic landscape.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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