Sunday, June 10, 2007


This house was built on the top of a sharp corner. I ever loved perspective you see stopping and watching in front of vertex corner. --- Nice week-end to everyone !

Questa casa venne costruita in cima ad un angolo acuto. Mi è sempre piaciuta la prospettiva visibile mettendosi di fronte al vertice dell'angolo. --- Buon fine settimana a tutti !
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  1. I find these buildings to be both attractive and fascinating. I call them "wedge building"--your photo is great!

  2. That's a good photo and I agree, this perspective is really nice.

  3. Great shot - you stood in the right spot :)

  4. Beautiful shot! So clear and crisp.

  5. A small Iron Building, like in NYC. Il like a lot your photo.

  6. Your night photos are spectacular. They are so clear and the colors are so intense.

    Looks like the Flatiron Building in midtown.

  7. I was commenting this photo in your other blog!
    But what did you say about surfing in Internet and reading, it`s happening also to me. but, when I am in summer cabin, it`s time to read, if visitors are not there, of course :)

    Good Sunday you too!

  8. Caspita questa foto mi ricorda un compito di fotografia che ho dovuto fare qualche mese fa.. Fare una foto con una prospettiva con 2 punti di fuga.. La tua foto sarebbe stata perfetta.. Complimenti!

  9. ...and the zebra crossing adds a surreal distorsion perspective!

  10. Nice shot. I like it. New York City has a similar kind of building and is featured in many shots of that city.

    Surprise, surprise, surprise. It's me!
    Brookville Daily Photo

  11. This is a fantastic perspective! And there seems to be so much action...and yet nothing is really moving!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  12. Great perspective and I love the lights in the windows, along with the other lights that illuminate the photograph. Really good and beautiful photograph of your lovely city.

  13. There's a fantastic perspective effect here, good catch!
    Your night shot is wonderful.

    I wonder what it's like to live in one of those very narrow pointed buildings???

  14. We've got one here in Richmond. I love it, but it's not easy to photograph in the best way. I'm working on it and will let you know. Done one...but it's not up to standard.

    Greetings to you , F

  15. That wedge building makes me smile ;-)

  16. What a great place. And so lovely photo.
    We looked your previous photos and we have to visit Torino. The city looks just wonoderfull. And we are going to visit Italy next summer (Gosh, how a long time) so maybe we'll be able to visit your city as well. That could be nice.
    Anyway. Great shots.

  17. e le strisce pedonali sono la ciliegina sulla torta!

  18. Thank you very much about your nice words i have appreciated a lot. I also have to say that Teo and Albi -about zebra crossing- centered the point !

  19. That is a real good job. Framing, lights, perspective, everything...

  20. we also have really similar building here in Ljubljana, Slovenia and it is called "pegelzen" (archaic expression for iron).


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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