Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"House or Castle" part 2.

Answering to Kate question the decorative work over the main door of the house I published yesterday, is done by tiles. For sure I need an extra-blog to publish more photo and I'm sorry to publish another photo of same house but, honestly, enlarging the original of the photo, me as first I am impressed of beauty of this mosaic. So, I thought to share it...
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  1. And, I am so glad that you decided to share it. I'd love to see it "in person", but I guess I'll have to settle for a peek through your wonderful photo. The style and composition of the tiles are very appealing as is your photo of it. Thanks for another look!!

  2. It's really great when you enlarge it to see the tiles.

  3. Really beautiful shot Fabrizio! Hard to imagine living in a house like this!

  4. That's so nice! I would like to have this on my own day maybe ;-)
    Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday!
    Maraï from Brisbane

  5. That's really impressive mosaic. we love building like this. I think todays, modern, experimental architecture is nice, but without soul. The building like on the photo have a soul definitly.

  6. Great tile work and very colorful.
    Thanks for your comment.

  7. Wonderful details, thanks for the closeup.

  8. Lovely designs & the architecture...beautifully captured shot!

  9. Thank you for showing this beautiful work!

  10. wow, they sure are lovely tiles motifs!

  11. They are gorgeous tiles and deserve another post. Bravo, Kate for suggesting & Fabrizio, for posting the photo.


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