Sunday, June 3, 2007

Home SWEET Home

Well it's Sunday (and it seems will continue to rain). Nothing better than to stay at home: to watch an old movie and taste a marvellous glass of Guido Gobino Chocolate [<-- In English too] -- In Torino chocolate was known since 1678 when production was been authorized by Royal Law. At the end of 1700 artigianal producer granted 350Kg of daily produtction and they started to export it in France, Germany, Austria and Suisse. Next time I'll go to talk about Gianduiotti: another chapter that concern Torino and Chocolate -- Nice week-end to everybody.

Ebbene è Domenica (e pare voglia continuare a piovere). Niente meglio che stare a casa: guardare un vecchio film e gustare un buon bicchiere del Cioccolato di Guido Gobino -- A Torino il cioccolato era conosciuto sin dal 1678 quando un Regio Decreto ne autorizzò la produzione. Alla fine del 1700 ne veniva prodotto, dalle molte cioccolaterie, ben 350 Kg al giono e iniziò la sua esportazione in Francia, Germania, Austria e Svizzera. La prossima volta parlerò dei Gianduiotti: un altro capitolo che concerne il binomio Torino e il cioccolato -- Buon fine settimana a tutti.
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  1. Your photograph makes the chocolate look good enough to eat. No pun intended.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. Ohh Fabrizio,I love Guide Gobino Chocolate and I have my favourite Italian Cafe for ice cream and chocolate here in Cologne that i almost always visit...your photograph reminds me to Miguel who always served for me...hmmm...yummy

  3. Mmmmm, chocolate! You'll have me crawling on all four for it!

  4. The wicked pleasure of chocolate. Sitting inside with a glass of chocolate while it's raining outside sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday, or any day.

  5. Oh I wish I had a chocolaty weekend:) But, as usual every year this season....I am in diet...

  6. mmmmmmmm..i am ready to do every thing to sit there and have all of the chocolate..yamy yamy

  7. Very luscious photo!
    But which old movie have you watched?

  8. Wonderful! Make favorite thing to eat is chocolate.

  9. Who could resist chocolates??

    Fabrizio, is that your personal chocolate machine at home??

  10. Yum! Great photo -- and great subject! I didn't know chocolate had been in Italy so long. Interesting.

  11. Thank you to everyone and NO Ming :-) I took it at a bar.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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