Monday, May 28, 2007

Piazza Carignano

I took this photo in Summer, last Summer but nothing is changed: it's night, bar and cafè are closed. People sit around and an old man with a guitar is playing gently. Someone whisper something to a friend and in this peaceful quiet night only the romantic sound of the guitar come out.

Ho scattato questa fotografia in Estate, la scorsa estate ma nulla è cambiato: è notte, bar e caffé sono chiusi. La gente si siede attorno ad un signore anziano che sta suonando una vecchia chitarra. Qualcuno sussurra qualcosa a un amico e in questa pacifica, silenziosa notte vien fuori solo il romantico suono della chitarra.
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  1. Ah . . . your words set the tone and the photo carries that tone nicely.

  2. The atmosphere is very inviting as you describe it. I love to eat outside, feels decadent. And thanks for visiting me in San Diego.

  3. Another great night shot - the stones look so nice shining in the lamp light.

  4. It looks like a nice place to sit for a while on a summer night, and enjoy the company of friends.

  5. this photo has a very special mood with the lamps and the street

  6. As Annie mentioned, your narrative on this photo was so evocative I cold almost hear the old man strumming and feel the night air...umm, very nice, Mahalo~

  7. Ahhh, how nice would it be to be there...

  8. A nice photograph of a night scene and it hasn't changed, you say.

    I have some good news:

    The three baby robins are on their way to Meet the World. I miss them already. It was quite an emotional experience.
    Brookville Daily Photo

  9. Mmmm, warm night, soft guitar, sounds so inviting and sexy!

  10. a wonderfully captured night shot & the atmosphere is beautiful.

  11. looking at this picture in large view, it looks like a very relaxing evening - I like how u have worded the post - it adds to the atmosphere with the soft lighting and dark night!

  12. Thank you, thank you very much about all your comments.


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