Tuesday, May 1, 2007
DP Theme day : City Exchange
Is there in Torino the Temple of Heaven (or is it in Beijin) ?
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Good question! I don't have a clue!!
ReplyDeleteI think, it`s in Beijin, because Google says: nothe Heaven Temple in Torino and I aaaalways believe Google:))
ReplyDeleteHave a happiest May ever!
This photo got me confused for a split second as I thought it was somewhere in Japan or china but the architecture seems to have a little european flavor to the asian themes - so I guess it could be a euroasian building =)
ReplyDeletewell this is my 27th city visit today [Ok I started last night and have been to bed and you are the third this morning] and the variety is amazing, and some amusing comments too -- which means I'll have to review them all again tomorrow!
ReplyDeletewonderful shot fabrizio.
ReplyDeleteLovely shot. I enlarged the photo and saw that most of the people look Chinese - so I'm guessing it's in Beijing.
ReplyDeleteit's Beijing;)
ReplyDeleteIt must be Beijing. I like your photograph. It is impressive.
ReplyDeleteMy Theme Day is of a city unto itself, with its own zip code, and a portrait of the "Peashooter" at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Hope you like flying.
I love the perspective. Great shot!
ReplyDeleteGreat choice! When were you there?
ReplyDeleteHi Fabrizio, I am searching for a new camera and almost decided on Nikon D40. I looked up on your Nikon D200. Salesman told me, that yours is a professional camera and if I am a beginner I should go for D40. Of course there is a big price difference...What would you suggest?
ReplyDeleteBtw, thanks for commenting on my 100'th post. :)
Yes, taht's a good question... i guess Torino doesn't own such a temple... so i veoted for Beijing!
ReplyDeleteFabrizio - having never visited either Torino of Beijing, I could not tell on my own. However, when I enlarge the image I see that the faces are Asian so I will go with Beijing.
ReplyDeleteYou must have visited there. My wife and I are going to China for the first time in about four months. If you remember any particularly good photo locations, I would appreciate your advice.
St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog
Good choice. Great photo.
ReplyDeleteI'll be different and say Torino ;-) And when I visit, it'd better be there!
ReplyDeleteSpectacular photo! Are you with the yellow hat group?
ReplyDeleteStunning photo! I love panaromic view of the palace.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to go to China this summer. *fingers crossed*
Good question! I'd think it's Beijing but if it's Torino I'll be even more impressed.
ReplyDeleteI think it is Beijing. Great shot!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing Bejing as well! Beautiful photo! Happy May Theme Day from Maui, Hawaii!
ReplyDeleteThe Heaven Temple is in Beijin and it's the most exciting temple I visited there (in 2002) even more than the Fobidden City.
ReplyDeleteStrangetastes, I visited only Beijin and Xi'ian (terracotta warriors). In Beijin, a part, as said, Heaven Temple, I loved the Old City Garden, place Tien 'Anmen, Forbidden City, the Great Wall (where you can go renting a taxi from Beijin and it's not expensive at all) and zoo where I saw Panda :-) -- This in short those interesting places I visited but China and their way of life is a discover in every little town you have way to cross.
Ehm Isabella, I may try to convince Major of Torino to built a copy here but I'm afraid he won't listen my prays :-(
I'm a little slow...so I know now the answer to your question. the comments were fun to read.
ReplyDeletehaha..nice photo for the theme day.
i missed before...
but i saw it at last.
shanghai daily photo
I see your comment on Ming and I am here! Great photo Fabrizio! Sounds you had a wonderful trip, too!