Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Uhm how to call it? I don't know. There are many of them in the city and they was posed in February when Winter Universiade started. I think it would look like a sort of tree.

Uhm come chiamarlo? Non lo so. Ce ne sono molti e vennero posati in città nel mese di Febbraio quando ebbe inizio l'Universiade Invernale. Credo voglia assomigliare ad una specie di albero stilizzato.
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  1. I don't know either :) Is it some kind of marker for a boundary?

  2. Reminded me of a candle. An artistic candle.

  3. Someone is afraid of forgetting the name of the town, maybe?

  4. I would call it art which I enjoy in almost all of it's forms.

  5. I think, best of it is a early summer
    colour of birche`s leaves!

    Nice time to you!

  6. Maybe it's an Olympic sign of some sort.

    Did you go see any of the Winter Olympic events last year?

  7. We called this kind of installation "Folie". A kind of tribute to the Universiade craziness!

  8. Oc course Teo centered the point ;-) ---

    Ming, yes, of course I did. Some figure skating, awarding of prize and the sad closing ceremony. Then I saw the opening ceremony of Winter Paralympic Games that was really great

  9. It does look a bit like a tree, but it could also be a good place to hang a hat.

    Blather From Brooklyn


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