Monday, April 16, 2007

Out of Window

It's an ordinary photo I know but... It is. I took it today out of my window at noon. What I like to notice is that even from a window in a peripheral street it's possible to see... Spring :-)

E' una fotografia piuttosto ordinaria, lo so ma... Tant'è. Ho scattato questa foto dalla mia finestra oggi verso mezzogiorno. Ciò che mi piace osservare è che perfino da un finestra in una via di periferia è possible vedere... La Primavera :-)
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  1. Ah, Fabrizio, to live in italy - you are very lucky :)

  2. Lovely view - eh, si La primavera...

  3. This is a nice photograph and it shows the trees are so new and green. It certainly makes the parking area look inviting.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments about Mack, a Dog.

  4. It's nice to see green in the urban environment. Feels alive.

  5. :))
    what attracted me in this photo is the wonderful green too....

    guess your office must be very higher than mine, its on the ground floor....

    and by the way, i love that Corso photo.....very much.

    shanghai daily photo

  6. wonderful sights. i love Spring. Everything seems fresher and cleaner.

  7. Perhaps ordinary to you but not to me! I'm happy to know what you see every day...

  8. The view outside your window is beautiful. I wish I have green trees like those outside mine.

    You can see the view outside my apartment window in the April 1 post. There is a mailbox right at the corner so I used it as my mailbox (theme) photo.

  9. Jing, it's not the view from my office but from my apartment (at seventh floor). My office is ground floor too ;-)

    Ming, I remember it very well and in fact it's not pure chance I published this one ;-)

  10. Sorry, I was forgetting: Thank you to everyone for your nice comments.

  11. Lovely aerial view of the place...beautifully captured shot:)

  12. Oh YES, that's definitely what I noticed too, the trees are splendid. A tree-lined street makes all the difference, doesn't it?

  13. I find the light green of new leaves just delightful. You have a nice view from your home.

  14. yes, it's a green spring out of your window! :)

  15. Torino e una citta piu grande che Edimburgo mas con piu alberi nelle strade! Anche e primavera qui!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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