Saturday, April 7, 2007

Holy Week

At the end of the Holy Week, few hours ago I took (with infrared) this religious procession from my window. Then I turned it in red... As Passion.

Al termine della Settimana Santa, poche ore fa ho scattato (all'infrarosso) questa processione dalla mia finestra. L'ho poi colorata di rosso... Come la Passione.
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  1. is this an infrared shot? I really like it. I hope you have a good Easter weekend. :)

  2. Immagine molto suggestiva. Buona Pasqua anche a te, Fabrizio!

  3. Yes Edwin it is. In fact the original was greenish ;-)

  4. Fabrizio, I was just asking you in my site about processions in Torino. I have my answer here.

  5. Rouge Passion, wow!
    I would have loved to see a close up of the procession. Are there any costumes or are people just wearing their ordinary clothes? And for how long do they walk?

  6. Nathalie, they was people wearing ordiary clothes except priests that were wearing their "church" -clothes. They didn't walk so long just about 1 Km : from Church and a walk in the neighbourhood.


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