Saturday, March 10, 2007


Cioccola-Tò or cioccolatò ... Chocolate exhibition every year in March it's an appointment with deliciousness in the city -Torino- where tradition is born. Click HERE to further details.

Cioccola-Tò o cioccolatò... Ogni anno in Marzo l'appuntamento con la delizia nella città -Torino- dove la tradizione è nata. Clicca
QUI per maggiori dettagli.

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  1. I like the architecture of the buildings behind the tents. But I also like the structure of the tents. Very beautiful scenery all around.


  2. Please accept my humble appologies for typing Milan instead of Turin. At least the sentiment is true, and I really did like the photo. As a keen geographer my error kills my heart!!!!

  3. It's a good thing I'm not in Turin right now - I would overdose on chocolate ;-)
    Is this your town square? Lovely...

  4. I am quite speechless after reading your post and then this link of cioccolató . Chocolate is certainly worth a big exhibition a year.
    I think, I will go again Torino`s pages.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  5. How beautiful!! I love the buildings. This photo makes me want to jump inside it and mingle - and tasting some chocolate would not be so bad!!

  6. Mmmmmm chocolate!
    I'd walk for miles for that!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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