Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ponte Isabella

Isabella Bridge it's one of six bridges (if I'm in right) on the river PO that pass along the city. Torino in fact was born along the river and at the other side there's hill.

Ponte Isabella è uno dei sei ponti (salvo errori) sul fiume PO che scorre lungo la città. Torino infatti è sorta lungo il fiume e dall'altro lato del fiume c'è la collina
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  1. I clicked on the photo in the portal and was expecting to see a palazzo....I saw this newest photo and actually said "wow" out loud. I love how the bridge is reflected! E grazie per la descrizione in italiano! Io parlo spagnolo, non italiano, ummm and it's fun for me to see how much I can read of your Italian descriptions.

  2. Oh, wow, lovely shot. I love how the bridge is reflected in the water.

  3. Al di là di quello che rappresentano, godo sempre dei tuoi notturni e della loro anima intimistica e suggestiva.
    A presto.

  4. Great photo and lovely bridge (but with a name like that, I would expect nothing less ;-)

  5. A glorious vision...times two!

  6. What a wonderful night capture! And great bridge too.

  7. Beautiful bridge and a great image too.

  8. Superb picture Fabrizio, nicely composed with great colour and reflections.

    South Shields Daily Photo

  9. Thank you to everyone for so nice comments. Isabella I honestly was waiting for your comment and yes, I agree with you :-)

  10. Pardon moi Lulu but what OMG does it mean :-) ?

  11. spectacular! well done


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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