Thursday, February 22, 2007

Monte dei Cappuccini

Took from the other side, this church's photo was the first I published HERE. This church is called Santa Maria del Monte (built between 1584-1656) and it is placed on the top of a hill called Monte dei Cappuccini. It is lighted in blue thanks to Luci d'Artista an exhibition unfortunately just finished that involved twenty one monuments and open spaces of Torino. National and international artists worked in this project of light-filled exhibition that changed for a while aspect of the city. We really hope they will do it again next year.

Fotografata dall'altro lato, la fotografia di questa Chiesa è stata la prima pubblicata
QUI. Questa è la Chiesa Santa Maria del Monte (costruita tra il 1584-1656) ed è sita sulla cima di una collina chiamata Monte dei Cappuccini. E' illuminata di blu grazie alla mostra Luci d'Artista che sfortunatamente è appena terminata e coinvolgeva ventuno tra monumenti e spazi aperti di Torino. Artisti nazionali e internazionali hanno lavorato a questo progetto di una mostra luminosa che ha modificato per un po' il volto della città. Noi speriamo ardentemente che vi sia la possibilità di ripeterla il prossimo anno.
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  1. Oh that is a very nice photo in blue and those blue circles reminded me of UFOs circling the place. Very nice picture.

  2. Very unusual and so much fun to see. I would have liked to have been there, too.

  3. your photo shimmers!
    what an awesome sight!

  4. Great photo, very interesting and different.

  5. In my opinion the best Luci d'Artista Installation...and a wonderful Fabrizio's shot!

  6. Dreamy picture off a beautifull church!

  7. Special kind of photo.

    @abe - did you say the circles REMINDED you of ufo's? Now we know the secret of sleepy Brookville ;)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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