The Torino photo that concerns this City Daily Photo theme day is: Beauty of Decay. Well, I consider this photo taken in a suburb of Torino: a boy that drinks public water before to go back to play with other guys, my conception of beauty of decay. --- Check other "decaying scenes" around the world !
Is your public water that bad ?
i'm laughing at virginia's comment thinking the poor boy is drinking very bad water.....but in all seriousness, i do love your interpretation!
I have to say, Torino is full of beauty of decay, this fontana is unqiue, beautiful and not to mention, very useful....:)
Fabrizio, wonder what street is that in your photo?
Great theme day post.
I like this interpretation!
Do they add fluoride to the city water to prevent tooth DECAY, like here? ;)
How nice to see something a little out of the ordinary. Wonderful photograph!
You’ve made a great Theme Day post. I'm glad you picked this to share with us.
great interpretation for Theme day
Also very practical in decay! How nice to think of this fountain still providing for people everyday.
Good thing our ancestors built fixtures strong enough to last more than a generation! Great capture, I like the tension of the boy's posture against the inert surroundings.
I am very sorry about the "world wide" misunderstanding of my point of view. The public water in Torino is excellent. State that, this photo has been taken at extremely north suburb of the city (in a neighborhood called Falchera, Wilf...), in a street where it was supposed to be clearly decaying. So the *beauty* of decay is the boy: a unique colorful, brilliant and vivid point in this sort of "barren moor".
di solito le tue foto ritraggono il centro la collina o comunque le parti piu' pittoresche della citta', il fatto che tu faccia foto anche alla falchera dimostra che sei il fotografo di torino tutta intera, e questo mi piace.
la tua immagine rappresenta la decadenza in maniera poetica, una decadenza con speranza... mi piace molto.
Ti ringrazio molto Emanuela e non solo per i complimenti (pur graditi) ma soprattutto per aver colto -unica- lo spirito dell'immagine. Grazie, grazie davvero !
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