As said two days ago this is the second photo I took to this exceptional building. What I cannot take is the aerial view of it but I found the photo below from this site: "History of Architecture". I am sure you can get an idea of what I say when I define this building as *exceptional*. The red arrow show where I was (and where was my direction) when I took this photo.
COme detto due giorni fa questa è la seconda fotografia che vado a mostrare circa questa eccezionale costruzione. Ciò che non posso fare è prendere una foto dall'aereo ma ho trovato la foto che segue tratta da questo sito "History of Architecture". Sono sicuro dia un'idea circa la ragione per cui definisco la costruzione come *eccezionale*. La freccia rossa indica dov'ero (e qual era la mia direzione) quando ho scattato la fotografia.
I'd like to see the entire complex; it looks outstanding. Wonderful photo to illustrate the grandeur of the place.
You are right - what a stunning building. great to see the aerial perspective too!!!
Wow, that is quite a place! Enormous and beautiful buildings & grounds. Is that a stag on the top in your photo?
That building is imoressive! Wonderful photo! (the aerial view is great too)
what an impressive building. great shot. thank you got shared it
Spettacolare! Excepional architecture. There is symmetry here, the building, grounds, and the colonnade that reaches out to draw people in.
Like the large palaces of otHer European countries (Versailles, France or Blenheim, England for example) I'm always curious about the aerial views, because when these were built there was no real opportunity to see them like this
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